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Église Saint-Roch de Paris

The story of when I first came across my favourite church in Paris, and perhaps France.

My favorite church that I saw while in France last summer was Saint Roch in Paris, perhaps just because of the experience I had with it as a tourist.

Saint-Roch (from Wikipedia)

I came out of the Louvre and was exhausted from all the walking, having underwhelming experiences with such famous works of art, and being surrounded by a loud crowd at all times.

After sitting down at a cafe for a breather, I continued down the street and walked by this unassuming looking church. I almost didn’t enter it, even though I had made a point of visiting every church I could. But I did go inside, and was floored by what met me.

There was total silence, as only a couple of people were inside. Its interior was so beautiful, so rich with works of beautiful art, that it put the museum visit I’d just had to shame. The exterior had made it seem like any old church, but it felt nothing like that in the inside.

Interior (from Wikipedia)

In my still limited French vocabulary, I had a lovely conversation with the sweet old lady managing the place. I just hope I managed to communicate that this church had been one of the best experiences from my trip.

(From a reddit comment)